Monday 2 March 2015

Retain the heat in your swimming pool

Did you know that your pool is losing heat?

In our last blog post, we covered a bit on Solar Panels for your pool. Today, we’ll take a look at the revolutionary Bubble / Solar Blanket that helps retain the heat in your pool naturally.

Like solar panels, the bubble blanket is an excellent product to increase your swimming season. Essentially it reduces heat evaporation and saves on chemical and electrical usage.

The bubble blanket can raise the temperature of your pool 5 – 8 degrees Celsius, and in that it has two primary functions: firstly, the bubble blanket acts as an insulator. During cold, windy nights the blanket will insulate the pool, preventing heat loss. The bubble blanket has the ability to keep a relatively constant temperature. Secondly, the water directly below the blanket is heated by UV light passing through the material. The water is distributed through the pool via the pool filtration system, raising the general temperature of the water.

How our pools lose heat:

The surface of the pool gives up heat to wind by evaporation. While the sun is trying to heat your pool, the wind sets up convection currents that steal the same heat.

If you are one of those fortunate enough to have a swimming pool in the home, you will probably look to heat it, so that the pool can be used in all seasons. This is when you need to consider solar blankets for swimming pools so that you can save on utility costs.

Bubble blankets are also referred to as solar blankets, are definitely economical and can help you harness energy from the sun to heat up your cold water. Generally, the blankets look like bubble wrap and can be blue, clear or even silver.
The solar blanket’s lifespan is dependant of variations in the material thickness and construction of the bubbles in the blanket.

When sunlight strikes the water in a swimming pool, it passes right through and is rarely stored as heat. A solar blanket on the other hand will absorb all the sunlight and then pass on this stored heat to the water. While black covers would be most efficient in trapping heat, even the ones with clear plastic do so, quite effectively, because of the bubble wrap construction of these blankets. The air bubbles work as a form of insulation so that the heat that is transferred to the blanket from the sun remains trapped in the pool water.

One problem that many people have with solar blankets for swimming pools is that they need be placed on the water surface when you have finished using it and also removed when you need to use the pool. Because of this hassle many may forgo the obvious advantages that their use does bring. However, help can be had from manual or automatic systems that operate the way a window blind does. When not in use, the blankets need to be kept out of the sunlight.

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